stinging insects

What 7 Bugs to Expect With Springtime (part 1)

     Spring is just around the corner, and just like the sudden burst of blooming flowers, so will the insect population bloom.  Most of the insects discussed in this blog can be very dangerous. We will discuss each insect and you will learn how to avoid contact with these particular pest.



      Arizona is known for its variety of scorpions, which if stung by one of these critters can be very painful or even deadly. These scorpions very in size, anywhere from a 1/4" to 5". I've personally seen one about 7" long. It came out of a tree stump I was sitting next to one afternoon. Death by a scorpion is very rare, the most venerable however are the very young (Infants), or elderly. 

     Your best bet to prevent scorpions from entering your home is to seal any openings they may use to get in. Scorpions can enter you home through any crack or crevice as thin as a credit card. Having a home inspection and sealed for such holes by a  pest professional can help reduce the entry points to your home. 

     The main food source for a  scorpion are crickets. Crickets love to get inside your walls to nest. If crickets are in your walls, the scorpions will follow soon after. Remove the crickets and send the scorpions hunting elsewhere for food.




     When you see bees in Arizona assume they are Africanized Killer Bees. For one to simply say, "I think those are honey bees" is a dangerous assumption. If you are not an expert in bees you will not be able to tell the difference until its too late. Honey bees and africanized bees are virtually the same thing. The only real difference is once provoked, the africanized bees are known to be very aggressive and will do anything to protect the queen bee. 

Bees usually will make a nest in anywhere they feel protected. Caves, attics, walls, eves, water meters, and abandon cars are just a few spots I've run across bee hives. Sometimes you will see a hive all balled up on a tree. Most of the time they are just resting from a long flight in search of a new home.

If you notice a hive near by your home don't get too close. Try not to make any loud nosies or vibrations as this will agitate them. Protect your home, kids, and pets by calling the professionals at Tucson Pest Control to remove the bees for you.




     The black widow is one of those pest that are actually active all year round. During the springtime however sightings of these spiders may be more common.  I have walked around homes that haven't had a pest service in a while and counted 20 plus black widows.

     The black widow bite is known to be the most venomous spider bite in all of North America according to National Geographic. The female is black with a red hour glass shape on her belly. She is about 3/4 bigger then the male. Once mating is complete the female will then kill the male and use his body to deposit her eggs into. And that how they get the name "Black Widow".

     Keeping crickets, roaches, and other spiders way from your home will help reduce the numbers of black widows around your home. Seal any gaps around your j-trim as this is the most common hiding spot for these deadly spiders. 


Follow us next week for the second part of this blog. find out what other pest to look out for as the springtime rolls around. Again most of these pest are dangerous to be in contact with. The ones listed in this weeks blog can leave a very painful bite/sting.  Next week we will discuss  some common pest that can transmit diseases, and one pest that is commonly confused with another but is harmless.

If you are interested in a certain pest, and would like to know some helpful tips on how to get rid of them, or if you enjoyed this blog please leave a comment.